XL Series

Solvent Based Screen Ink Range, 1-Component


Screen printing inks for printing of thermoplastic items, which are sensitive to tension cracks, especially injection moulds made of polystyrene (PS), ABS and other co-polymers, such as housings, cans, other containers, and various promotional items.
In addition, XL inks can be used for printing of polystyrene boards, PET-G, PVC self-adhesive foils, PMMA boards and injection moulds (acrylic glass).


• Screen inks XL are solvent based 1-component screen printing inks. They dry by evaporation of solvents.
• XL inks have been formulated with especially mild solvents to obtain lowest possible strain of plastics sensitive to tension cracks.
• XL inks result in a glossy finish.
• XL inks exhibit good resistances against cosmetics (skin cream etc.). However, as this is a 1-component system the extremely high resistances of 2-component systems, such as our range Z cannot be achieved.
• XL inks show good weather resistance.
• Note: Because of the special issue of “tension cracks” pre-tests are essential. In that respect, please note that depending on the type of plastic material, the injection moulding production process and the printing conditions, tension cracks may even appear several days after printing.


>> Product Data Sheet XL Series

Color Shades



>> Color Card Standard 1

11 medium yellow 14 light orange 21 bright  red 22 carmine red 30 light blue 32 ultra marine 36 violet
40 light green 50 light brown 60 white 65 black




>> Color Card Standard HD

60 HD white 65 HD black


You will find further color shades of ink series XL in the product data sheet.


>> Product Data Sheet XL Series


* The strength and tint of all colors depicted on this website may deviate from the original due to technical reasons. For an exact color display please ask for our original color cards.