852UV Series

UV-curing Screen Ink Range, 1-Component, "Low Migration" 


Screen printing inks 852UV are used for decorating plastic containers made of pre-treated polyethylene (LD-PE, HD-PE) and polypropylene (PP) such as cartridges, cans, bottles, tubes etc.


• Solvent-free UV-curing screen printing inks 852UV have a very high reactivity.
• 852UV inks are delivered in a ready-to-print adjustment and show medium viscosity. Prints result in a high-gloss finish and show good adhesion and high chemical resistance.
• 852UV is formulated for fast running screen printing equipment for container printing.
• To obtain proper ink adhesion on PE and PP plastics, pre-treatment, preferably with flame, is imperative. Efficiency of pre-treatment also must be adjusted to the high printing cycles.
• 852UV inks are suitable for indoor and short-term outdoor applications.
• Low migration: Compared to ink series 80UV, 81UV and 833UV-SF, screen inks 852UV show a further reduced migration potential (acreylate monomers).
• 852UV inks are suitable for printing of food packaging.
• Conformity has to be verified by migration tests of the printed material. 
For further detailed information about this topic please refer to section “Conformity”.
• More UV ink ranges of the 80UV group for printing on PE/PP plastic containers:
80UV: Screen ink for priting on PE/PP containers with medium viscosity.
81UV: Higher viscosity than 80UV, contains silicone.
833UV-SF: Optimized for printing on tubes, UV-LED curable, silicone-free.


>> Product Data Sheet 852UV Series

Color Shades


>> Color Card C-MIX System 2000 LL

Y 34 Y 54 O 54 R 24 R 54 M 50 V 50
B 50 G 50 N 50 W 50 E 50 blindpixel W50  W50


You will find further color shades of ink series HG in the product data sheet


>> Product Data Sheet 852UV Series


* The strength and tint of all colors depicted on this website may deviate from the original due to technical reasons. For an exact color display please ask for our original color cards.